Subject RE: [firebird-support] Traps using Local Filesystem Connect instead of TCP/IP
Author Nigel Weeks
> > The performance jump was incredible. It was easily 10x faster. As
> > expected, the Firebird engine was pulled into the running
> application,
> > rather than launching an 'fb_inet_server' process.
> Not really an answer to your question, but I'm curious: which
> operating system and which firebird version (CS or SS) have you used?

You might have seen the clarification post. This 10x increase happened once,
possibly due to other loads on the system dropping away. On average, it's
~5x, depending on how much conversation you app does with the DB(This one
was very chatty).

This is an old version of Classic(You've probably realised by now, I run
nothing else), and an old version of FreeBSD(4.9).

I might do this comparison on WinXP Pro, and see if the performance
difference is similar.
