Subject Re: FireBird Events
Author sasidhardoc
> When the stock price changes, fire the stock price event. When you
> initially query the stock prices, take note of the maximum timestamp,
> and when you reissue the query, add a timeofinterest > :thattime to
> the where clause.
In this scenario, ANY update to the table will cause all the clients
to requery the Db. This is what I am trying to avoid.
Imagine the Table has thousands of records, but each client is
watching only a few - 3 or 4. The number of clients is large. Also,
the table receives updates at a high frequency. So, each update in
turn generates a query from every client - although the likelihood
that any of those clients is actually interested in that particular
update is low.
Maybe someone with experience in using Firebird in applications -such
as Helen Borrie :-) - can point me in the right direction.