Subject Re: Connect to FireBird database on Linux from Windows
Author jb48888
Thank you all for all of your great solutions. I will try later.

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...>
> At 07:48 PM 11/07/2005 +0000, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Can somebody please point out how to connect to an embeded
> >database on Linux from a Windows application written in Delphi?
> First, there's no such thing as "an embedded Firebird database on
> Linux". A database is a database. There might be some
application on the
> host machine that is making an embedded connection to the, to
> that extent, the interface between application and database
service is
> "embedded".
> To access a database on a Linux host from a Windows application in
> the following must be true:
> 1. The Firebird server is running on the Linux host.
> 2. The Windows client machine must be running TCP/IP.
> 3. The Windows client machine must be able to find the Linux host
> 4. The host must be accessible by the Windows client machine.
> Let's say all this stuff is true and the Windows machine has the
Linux host
> configured in its hosts file as lxserver....
> Let's say the database is located in /data/databases with the file
> "mydb.fdb".
> Then your TCP/IP connection string from any client app, on any OS
> will be:
> lxserver:/data/databases/mydb.fdb
> Now, let's say you have the database set up in aliases.conf (on
the host,
> natch!!) as "fred":
> fred = /data/databases/mydb.fdb
> Then, your Delphi app (or any other client app) can use the alias
in the
> connection string, instead of the hard path:
> lxserver:fred
> ./heLen