Subject Re: Inserting 100's of thousands from a SP
Author Adam
> Thanks for the clarification.
> It really would be nice if FB supported COMMIT's in SP, it would make
> database migration so much easier since most other databases support
> feature.

Hi Bupp,

I actually think it would be a bad thing for SPs to support such a
feature. I mean imagine if you thought you could rollback your
transaction, but one of the SPs you relied on had committed it. The
next query you tried to run would fail because there was no transaction
to be run. You would also lose your "snapshot" of the database.

What you are after (someone suggested it the other week but it wasn't
taken seriously enough, or explained well enough maybe) is the ability
to store some sort of script that could allow you to create a database
connection, and allow you to define a transaction and then you can call
SPs and queries, committing and rolling back to your hearts content.
This could work in the form of a third party plugin to firebird and
would not conflict with existing Firebird architecture.
