Subject Re: [firebird-support] Trouble of making union of many tables to one view
Author Ivan Prenosil
> How You can make one view from 100 vievs from 100 tables each?

It is 10000 streams. Afaik Firebird's limit is 128.

> I have about 100 tables with same structure.

Then why not just use single table ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "wojciech_materna" <szef@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 4:00 PM
Subject: [firebird-support] Trouble of making union of many tables to one view

> Hello,
> Can anybody tell me, if there is a limit to create multitable view
> making union select.
> I have about 100 tables with same structure.
> Every 10 of them representing one location, so I'm using view:
> create view VIE1 ([Fields])
> as
> select [fields] from Table1
> union all
> select [fields] from Table2
> etc...... next tables
> create view VIE2 ([Fields])
> as
> select [fields] from Table11
> union all
> select [fields] from Table12
> etc...... next tables
> At the end I wanna make global view
> create view ALLTABL ([Fields])
> as
> select [fields] from VIE1
> union all
> select [fields] from VIE2
> union all
> etc.....
> And I see limitation, about 6 views I can connect and make one
> global view. When I add next view - I can't retrieve any data.
> On linux isql I see error - core dumped - isql crashes.
> I am using FB 1.5.2 but on 1.5.1 problem was the same.
> Is there limitation or can I do something?
> How You can make one view from 100 vievs from 100 tables each? It
> isn't possible?
> Thanks for any answer (sorry for my english)
> Wojtek