Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird.log file size
Author Martijn Tonies
Hello Andrew,

> I'm a little bit surprised to be reading about a log file. Until now, I've
> been thinking that, because of Firebird's multi-generational architecture,
> there's no need for log files. (In my past, I have worked with databases

And you are right.

> that logged before images for recovery purposes.)
> It's clear that my assumption is wrong. Could anyone spare a few minutes
> explain to me what Firebird is using a log file for? I can't find any

It's use to save server messages like "client disconnected" and server

It has nothing to do with data or databases.

> of a firebird.log file on my Mac OS X system. Is it present only on
> platforms, or with a particular Firebird configuration (eg. CS, SS,
> embedded)?

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle & MS SQL
Upscene Productions