Subject Re: [firebird-support] Concern with FB
Author Martijn Tonies
> >You hardly ever read "well, we've got 500 installs of our product out
> >350 of them run 24/7 and none of them have experienced any corruption for
> >the past two years.
> We have 470 installs out there for a major oil company. Each install runs
> 24/7/365 operation. While the individual installs are not large - 2 or
> maybe three computers in a network - they are business critical.
> Our GDB files run to about half a gig in most cases, although it depends
> the transaction density.
> We use, presently, IB 6.02, and are busy changing to FB 1.5x
> The app is developed in Delphi 5, using the IBX components. It runs on
> Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows 95
> The users are computer illiterate. Maybe 'Computer - Malevolent' would be
> better description. :-) We have had to change out code to protect against
> the user switching off the power at the wall socket, for example.
> There are no UPSs and no clean power. The computers are rarely serviced
> checked, and are spread widely around the country.
> We have not had problems with corrupt databases since ensuring that any
> engineer who installed the application and IB without making sure that
> forced writes was ON.
> We have a simple database structure, and make extensive use of stored
> procedures. On the client side, EVERYTHING happens within a transaction
> (including SELECTS) and we keep it very very discrete. One task at a time.
> It works like a charm. I have worked with MSSQL, SYBASE, DB2, Interbase,
> Firebird, and PostgresSQL. IB/FB is the most reliable DB I have ever used.
> (There Martijn - that's our success story :-))

very well ;-)

Either way - these conditions are weird to run a business critical system
in, right? :-)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle & MS SQL
Upscene Productions