Subject Re: [firebird-support] Concern with FB
Author Tim
>You hardly ever read "well, we've got 500 installs of our product out there,
>350 of them run 24/7 and none of them have experienced any corruption for
>the past two years.

We have 470 installs out there for a major oil company. Each install runs a
24/7/365 operation. While the individual installs are not large - 2 or
maybe three computers in a network - they are business critical.

Our GDB files run to about half a gig in most cases, although it depends on
the transaction density.

We use, presently, IB 6.02, and are busy changing to FB 1.5x

The app is developed in Delphi 5, using the IBX components. It runs on
Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows 95

The users are computer illiterate. Maybe 'Computer - Malevolent' would be a
better description. :-) We have had to change out code to protect against
the user switching off the power at the wall socket, for example.

There are no UPSs and no clean power. The computers are rarely serviced and
checked, and are spread widely around the country.

We have not had problems with corrupt databases since ensuring that any
engineer who installed the application and IB without making sure that
forced writes was ON.

We have a simple database structure, and make extensive use of stored
procedures. On the client side, EVERYTHING happens within a transaction
(including SELECTS) and we keep it very very discrete. One task at a time.

It works like a charm. I have worked with MSSQL, SYBASE, DB2, Interbase,
Firebird, and PostgresSQL. IB/FB is the most reliable DB I have ever used.

(There Martijn - that's our success story :-))


Cape Town

South Africa

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