Subject Bug with character " Ñ "
Author Mario Lacunza

I program with VB6 and FB 1.5.2 Superserver + ADO

I pass this SQL:

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "Select (NU_ANIO_TRAM) AS Año, (NU_TRAM) AS Tramite,
(DE_CLIE) as RazSocial, (NU_RUC) as RUC, (FE_LEGA) AS Legaliz,
(NU_SECU_REGI) as NumRegis, (NU_SECU_FOLI) as Folios From H_TRAM_LEGA_LIBR"

and receipt this error:

"Error -2147217887 The ODBC controler not admit the properties"

When I change the strSQL for:

strSQL = "Select (NU_ANIO_TRAM) AS *Anio*, (NU_TRAM) AS Tramite,
(DE_CLIE) as RazSocial, (NU_RUC) as RUC, (FE_LEGA) AS Legaliz,
(NU_SECU_REGI) as NumRegis, (NU_SECU_FOLI) as Folios From H_TRAM_LEGA_LIBR"

the query return the correct data, is a bug with the Spanish character "
Ñ " ???

In this case is very important, because the translate of word "Año"
into english is "Year"

Thansk in advance!!

Saludos / Best regards

Mario Lacunza Vásquez
Email : mario_lacunza@...
Website :
Blog :
Lima - Peru

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