Subject Re: Embedded database with multiple users...
Author WATYF
--- In, Elmar Haneke <elmar@h...>
> Since you have your App running as a service, it certainly is not an
> Copy-Only Install. I'm shure that you can extend your Installer to
> create the FB services (DB-SErver and perhaps guardian service) also.
> There is no need to use the prebuild FB-Installers.
> Elmar

Actually, believe it or not, it can be a copy-only install.
The "service" portion of the app is optional, so the service doesn't
get installed until they activate that part. But that's not really the
issue... the app does have an installer.

The main problem is, it's a systray app, and it's meant to run 24/7...
it already creates two processes (windows app and service) and I'm
trying to keep from having to run all kinds of other support apps just
to get it running. I may not have a choice though, since every
embedded db I've tried so far (and I'm pretty sure I've tried them
all) have some kind of critical limitation.

So what would the installation process involve if I wanted to
run "Classic" as an app? (I definintely don't want to run it as a
service) And would it use TCP like SS does? Can I make it file-based?