Subject Two TIBDataBase connections and 10055 socket errors
Author Mark Bracey
I'm using Delphi 7.

I have two TIBDataBase connections in a single application.

One is for a TIBQuery and the other for a TIBEvent.

The TIBDatabase for the TIBEvent remains connected all the time.

The one for the query connects/disconnects in a separate thread and is used
to log errors to our database. Like the connection for the TIBEvent, it
originally was connected all the time. I was getting the 10055 buffer
overflow errors so I changed the TIBQuery connection to connect/reconnect on
the fly.

The actual error I'm getting is 'Unable to complete network request to host
"localhost". Failed to establish a connection. unknown Win32 error 10055'

Is anybody familiar enough with this issue to be able to tell me the proper
method for establishing and maintaining connections so I don't get this
error. It does seem to happen more when I bring the app (service) down, and
then back up.


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