Subject RE: [firebird-support] sysdba versus other user
Author Alan McDonald
> I have found that I can create a database by offering ISC_USER = [owner]
> rather than SYSDBA.
> Is there anything special about SYSDBA?
> Is SYSDBA just a convention or is the ISC_USER at database creation
> time the real dba?
> Thanks
> mike

SYSDBA is the server administrator. This identity has access to everything
governed by the server. It's best practice, though, to create your databases
with another user identity. Objects inside the database can be owned by yet
other users if you wish.
But at all times, SYSDBA will be able to access all objects, backup and
restore the database. The owner will also be able to backup and restore its
database but this non-SYSDBA identity will not be able to backup a database
for which it is not the owner.