Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Multiple table update question
Author Daniel Jimenez
> If your suggestion works, then it's simpler than the way I
> normally do things. I'm used to writing
As it did not work, I am going to try your solution.
However, I have a question regarding the sql

> UPDATE table1 T1
> SET T1.field2 = (select T2.field2 FROM table2 T2
> where T2.field1 = T1.field1) where
> exists(select * from table2 T3
> where T3.field1 = T2.field1)

Is the where exist statement correct, or is there a typo?

The other issue is that my Table1.Field2 is defined as NOT NULL, so I think
this may not work for me.

I can believe that such a simple sql is causing me this prbs :-(

Thanks Svein, Ann, Helen and Norman for your help.
