Subject Re: Is it natual ?
Author Ed Dressel
> 1. select count(cdrid) from callingcdr where ...;
> 2. select sum(dialfee) from callingcdr where ...;
> ( 1,000,000 records in the table callingcdr, about 100,000
records will be affected, Indexed )
> 3. select feerate from feetbl where areacode like '0'||'%' ;
> ( 1000 records in the table feetbl, Indexed )
> Does it seem natual ?

'natural' might just be the problem <g> need to have indexes for
the conditions of your 'where' clause otherwise it uses a 'natural'
selection meaning it has to go through all records. Check the plan of
the SQL statement to see if it is using the indexes or not.

Ed Dressel