Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Too many executions of the same request
Author Ann W. Harrison
jjochoa75 wrote:
>>You've reached the limit for recursive calls
> What's that limit?

750 on windows, 1000 elsewhere.
> Why
> SELECT * FROM my_recusrive_proc
> works and
> SELECT a,sum(b) FROM my_recusrive_proc group by a?
> Why
> SELECT * FROM my_recusrive_proc order by a
> doesn't work?

If you had a case this simple that demonstrated the problem, you'd get a
better answer. Your original question suggested that the problem was
data sensitive as well as sensitive to the way the procedure was
invoked. I know how hard simplifying your problem can be, but when
you're asking people for help, sometimes the extra effort brings
significant benefits.

