Subject Re: [firebird-support] Restoring a multi-file database
Author Ivan Prenosil
Why do not you restore the database directly to the original path
instead of copying it there ?
Do you need multifile database at all ? (I don't know hp-ux)


> I run Firebird version "HU-V6.2.972 Firebird 1.0.3" on a HP-UX
> server.
> I have a 3 Gb. multi-file database (file.gdb, file.gd1) that I want
> to restore onto another path on disk so I can verify its
> fonctionnality without compromising the original database:
> . assures that no process/users is connected to the database and put
> the database offline
> . gbak -b original_path/file.gdb backup_path/file.gbak
> . gbak -c backup_path/file.gbak restore_path/file.gdb 500000
> restore_path/file.gd1
> After verifying the integrity of the restored database, I want to
> copy it back in the original path. As I understand, the path of the
> restore_path database second file is stored in the database itself.
> How can I copy the two files to the original path with the secondary
> file pointing the the original_path ?
> Thanks!