Subject Re: [firebird-support] Is this the appropriate DB choice
Author Ann W. Harrison
Helen Borrie wrote:
>>In another note, I heard something quite surprising about the capability to
>>change something on the source code, recompile it and make it "my"
>>proprietary database? Is that true?
> "Your proprietary database" - no, that's not true. It's true that you can
> compile and distribute your own version of the engine. Under the licence,
> if you alter the source code, you are required to publish your
> alterations.

Tiny clarification. You can change it and use it without publishing
your changes as long as you use it "within your organization" - meaning
your company if you're part of a company, your school if you work for a
school, etc. If you decide to distribute the changed code outside your
organization, then you must publish your changes.

