Subject Re: [firebird-support] jdbc usage: how do I create a new database using a jdbc connection?
Author Ann W. Harrison
A.J. Bonnema wrote:
> I am trying to use jdbc to create a database from a remote client.

You might get better answers on the JDBC list

The messages are:
> (1) specifying a databasename for a database that does not yet exist
> (I want to use "create database 'f:..../caseklad.gdb';")

That should be the right syntax, assuming you replace .... with a
reasonable path.

> at org.firebirdsql.gds.GDSException: I/O error for file CreateFile
> (open)
> "f:/inetpub/wwwroot/NTWPracticumNet/Najaar/propedeuse/NP45/databases/casusklad.gdb"

Is that all of the message? Normally an I/O error includes a system
error code. Do you really want to create a database in
/inetpub/wwwroot? Does the server on the target system have write
access to that directory?

