Subject Re: [firebird-support] Embedded Server replication
Author Jonathan Neve
Alan McDonald wrote:

>since noone has responded....
>embedded allows only one connection (ie. one application can make multiple
>connections but only one application at a time can connect to the db).
>To do what you want means you need to disconnect your application and run a
>replicator or include the replicator logic on your application.
>Do you want to replicate 2 way? If so, then you will need your locally
>connected replicator to run for both directions, you won't be able to run
>the replication process to a remote embedded server.
>Maybe this will prompt your further thought on this subject.
In other words, an external tool is probably not a valid option: it
would be better to have something within your application, so that you
don't have to shut it down in order for replication to work.

CopyCat should work fine with FireBird embedded, and since it's a
component set rather than an external tool, the above should be easy to

Alan (Tse), I'm preparing the example you asked for, which is why I
haven't responded to your email yet. There should be no problem
implementing this, I just need to convert my example from IBX to UIB, so
that I can switch the client library (which, of course, IBX doesn't
support). I'll be sending it to you ASAP.

Best regards,
Jonathan Neve
CopyTiger - advanced database replicator for Interbase/Firebird!
Web :
CopyCat - database replication components for Delphi/C++Builder!
Web :