Subject Re: RES: [firebird-support] soundex
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:12 AM 15/11/2005 -0200, you wrote:
>I am using the UDF in FreeUDFLib .
>I have met one problem. I used basically the statement below.
>UPDATE indcemit set classificado = F_GENERATESNXINDEX(falecido)
>It works well with all tables but one. On this special table the script
>hangs and no result is reached. I have to reset my computer.

ERm, could it be that falecido is nullable on that table? UDFs of the
traditional kind get unhappy if passed a null as input. For a safe update
statement, you should do this:

UPDATE indcemit set classificado = F_GENERATESNXINDEX(falecido)
where falecido is not null
