Subject Re: Active transactions (benchmark results - updated)
Author Adam

I am not familiar with running Firebird under linux and the quirks
involved, but I know it isn't as straight forward to setup and
configure as its Windows counterpart.

If it is the same operations on both systems, and a database with an
the same amount of garbage at the start, then I now find it unlikely
to be garbage related.

It is unusual that the second server is not consuming more resources
in order to get the task done quicker, and I can only assume it is not
I/O bound.

> Do you thinks it may have connection with
> process communication and NPTL kernel running od 2nd server?
> All servers were running with the same Firebird 1.5.1 CS and
> firebird.conf (with slightly increased DbCache)

I would certainly investigate this avenue.

> In a few days I'm going to install other release of Fedora on second
> computer to test whether Linux distribution has any impact on firebird
> performance. I'll send a post to inform you with the results.
> think that eventually some document tackling firebird and linux should
> be written. Furthermore it would be nice if one could find documents
> related to tuning firebird parameters.


> I've find quite interesting
> document on IB Phoenix page that were related to garbage collector,
> indexes. That was a great job but Firebird to be a fully competitive
> database has to possess better documentation. The great job was done
> already, but also a lot need to be performed!

The Firebird Book is a very worthwhile buy, and explains most if not
all the parameters. Most reference books are at least 60% fill, 40%
content, but I was quite impressed at the lack of fill, 1000 pages of

I think if you read that, or at least have it on hand as a reference,
99% of the questions are solved. I don't think we need more
documentation, but rather more how to guides and white papers would
definately help.
