Subject Re: Corrupt database
Author Adam
I know this. I was obviously referring to the gap. These sorts of
tables have a habit of filling up really quickly, and each insert it
probably in a different transaction.

The setting just means every 20000 transactions, automatically sweep.
Whether that means on transaction 20000,40000,60000, or whether it
means that every time you sweep it is flagged to currenttransaction +
20000, I don't know (or care). I am only suggesting that his problem
may stem from the sweep running, so switching off the automatic sweep
and running it at 2am in a scheduled task when no-one is using the
database may help.


--- In, "Alan McDonald" <alan@m...>
> > Could it be the sweep? If it it monitoring telephone activity, I
> > don't imagine it would take too long to get to 20000 transactions.
> Adam, just remember that it's not a total number of transaction,
> which causes a sweep. It's a gap of 20,000 transactions.
> The documents have been confused over the years as to what gap,
exactly, but
> it's not just the number of transacions
> Alan
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Paul Beach"
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Attributes database shutdown
> > >
> > > ? Thats a very strange database attribute to be associated with
> > > a live database.... you might want to bring it back on online.
> > >
> > > gfix -online database.fdb
> > >
> > > Paul