Subject RE: [firebird-support] optimizing embedded server
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi,
> I'm writing an application that embeds firebird using it for a
> application database. Following the embedding howto for win32
> basically, this just means copying the fbembed.dll to fbclient.dll
> I'm noticing that my application hits the file system a lot and am
> wondering if there is a setting to force the database to keep more of
> it's data in memory, reducing the disk i/o.
> thanks,
> Todd

would you really want to do that even if you could?
On windows we all talk about setting databases forced writes to ON for the
sake of safety.
What is the setting of the database in question?
If you are brave enough, perhaps this setting works with embedded too.
I don't think I'd try it though. Too much chance in the mebedded environment
to have your database go awol.