Subject Re: "your user name and password are not defined..."
Author esrefatak
please help me...


--- In, "esrefatak" <liste@y...> wrote:
> Hi,
> i using Delphi 6. Below error message occur when i connect to Firebird:
> "your user name and password are not defined. ask your database
> administrator to set up an Interbase login"
> My IBDatabase configurated:
> object dbKomisyon: TIBDatabase
> DatabaseName = 'bilgisayar1:E:\downloads\Inetpub\db\KOMISYON.GDB'
> Params.Strings = (
> 'user_name=SYSDBA'
> 'password=masterkey'
> 'lc_ctype=WIN1254')
> LoginPrompt = False
> IdleTimer = 0
> SQLDialect = 3
> TraceFlags = []
> Left = 32
> Top = 8
> end
> ----------------
> how i resolve this problem?
> (Yahoo! Groups "Archive Source" may not help me.)
> Respects,
> esrefatak