Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird ROUND
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:56 PM 15/01/2005 -0800, you wrote:

>Hi to everyone, I have a question... I need to round a decimal number as I
>used to do in SQL Server for example:
>Select Round(6.3254, 2) as Value_Rounded From MyTable
>The result looks like this:
>How can I do this in FB, I was using the FB_UDF but the ROUND Function
>only acept 1 parameter and I can't pass the decimals number that I wanna.

You can just use a double cast.

select cast (cast (6.3254 as numeric (18,2)) as numeric(18,4)) as
from MyTable

This query will of course return a set of n identical values (where n is
the size of the set). I guess what you want in real life is

select cast (cast (AColumn as numeric (18,2)) as numeric(18,4)) as
from MyTable
where .....

But casting won't be useful if you have to pass the scale as an
argument. You would need a UDF for that, or you might write a
"pseudo-function" in PSQL using existing UDFs, that could be used in a
parameterised subquery, e.g.

create procedure roundme (
numval numeric (18,4),
return_scale smallint)
returns (outval numeric (18,4))
outval = cast ((numval * dpower(10, return_scale)) as numeric(18,4));
outval = round(outval);
outval = cast ((outval / dpower(10, return_scale)) as numeric(18,4));

So, this becomes a possibility:

select (
(select outval from roundme(mt.AColumn, ? ))) as Value_Rounded
from MyTable mt
where .....
