Subject Webservers need TCP/IP connection!!!
Author skystormdogs

Your little gem of wisdom has saved my mentality!

I've been pulling my hair out (and kicking the dog :-) ) for a
couple of days now. I'm new at this and am attempting my first n-
tier application.

I've been messing with directory and file security settings, trying
to set up ghost Guest accounts etc. etc.

What kept me on the wrong track is that in "debug mode" my app
worked fine and it also works with Falcon webserver just fine. It
also worked with another webserver - OmniSecure on my development
machine but not on the deployment PC (same OS & IIS config). I was
sure that it was an IIS config or XP user account problem (or

Anyway won't forget that again.

Much appreciated.

--- In, "jason_panzera"
<jason@i...> wrote:
> The conn is right, as I can login and my other functions work
> <?php
> $host = '***************************************';
> //$host = 'localhost:************************;
> $username = '************';
> $password = '***********';
> $dbh = ibase_connect($host, $username, $password) or die
> ('<b>Error:</b> '.ibase_errmsg());
> --- In, Daniel Rail <daniel@a...>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > At November 20, 2004, 06:32, jason_panzera wrote:
> >
> > > I have a problem, this form works perfectly well on two local
> > > machines, but on the server it only allows 1 person to signup
> > > then I have to restart IIS so another user can register. I
> see
> > > the prob here or on the server. PLZ HELP
> >
> > Are you using the local protocol or TCP/IP protocol to connect?
> you
> > are using the local protocol, then that is the problem. You need
> > use the TCP/IP protocol when connecting to Firebird from a web
> server.
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> > Daniel Rail
> > Senior System Engineer
> > ACCRA Group Inc. (
> > ACCRA Med Software Inc. (