Subject Re: [firebird-support] Supply Localhost as part of database path
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:15 PM 21/09/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>I have been using Firebird 1.5. On my machine I do not ever have to
>supply localhost as part of the database path. On our servers where
>we install Firebird, we always have to supply localhost as part of the
>database path to login into the database. Otherwise we get the
>unavailable database error message.
>I am not sure what the difference is between my machine and the
>servers. I don't have any environment variables setup on my machine
>(WinXP) that I can see. I have used the same Firebird install (off of
>sourceforge) on both machines.

That doesn't imply that you installed the same thing. The same installer
can install Superserver or Classic. Perhaps you installed SS on your
machine and Classic on the servers. You can't use an IPC connection to a
Classic server. Take a look in the bin directory and check whether the
executable is fbserver.exe (SS) or fb_inet_server.exe (Classic).

>The servers that we ship out have Win2003 OS installed. I am not sure
>what else to check.

Win2003 networking == can_of_worms. You don't seem to be the first to have
bumped into IPC problems on this OS. I'm curious why you think it's
important to be able to do an IPC connect at all....
