Subject Re: [firebird-support] Lost views and checks in backup/restore cycle
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:37 PM 17/09/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>I just ran a backup/restore cycle on a database and found that I
>lost all the CHECK constraints and VIEWs. I had to redefine them in
>the database. (FB 1.5 on Red Hat Linux 9). I have used
>Firebird/Interbase for years and have never seen this before. Has
>anyone heard of this problem or have an idea of what I might have

Constraints and views are restored late in the restore, i.e. after all the
other objects. Did someone stop the restore before it finished? Or try to
restore from a backup file that was incomplete? How do you implement your
"backup-restore cycle"?
