Subject Re: [firebird-support] REPOST, please help: Cannot execute SP in security DB
Author Ivan Prenosil
I would recommend using standard methods for changing passwords,
and just change users's privileges. See


----- Original Message -----
From: "gskempes" <gskempes@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:49 AM
Subject: [firebird-support] REPOST, please help: Cannot execute SP in security DB

> I would like to execute the stored procedure "ChangePassword"
> (downloaded from IBExpert) inside the security database in order to
> allow all users to modify their passwords.
> The script for creating this stored procedure contains grants:
> "grant execute on procedure ChangePassword to public;"
> "grant update (passwd) on users to procedure ChangePassword;"
> Although I'm able to connect to the security as non-SYSDBA user and
> execute queries like "select * from users", all I get while executing
> "execute procedure ChangePassword('MYUSER', 'newPass')" is:
> "This user does not have privilege to perform this operation on this
> object.
> no permission for execute access to DATABASE ."
> Do I need to grant special rights for executing stored procedures in
> general or where is the problem?
> Thanks in advance,
> Georgios Skempes
> P.S.: The source code of the stored procedure is:
> declare external function f_IBPassword
> cstring(32)
> returns
> cstring(32)
> entry_point 'IBPassword' module_name 'FreeUDFLib.dll';
> create exception exc_not_permitted 'Action not permitted';
> set term ^ ;
> create procedure ChangePassword
> (user_name varchar(128), passwd varchar(32))
> as
> begin
> if (((USER != 'SYSDBA') and (USER != :user_name)) or
> (:user_name is null) or
> (:user_name = '') or
> (:passwd is null) or
> (:passwd = '')) then
> exception exc_not_permitted;
> update users
> set passwd = f_IBPassword(:passwd)
> where user_name = UPPER(:user_name);
> end ^