Subject Re: [firebird-support] Index speeds For different field types
Author Miroslav Penchev
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:37:22 -0400, Ann W. Harrison
<aharrison@...> wrote:

> At 09:44 AM 9/14/2004, williamvdw2004 wrote:
>> Is there a difference in speed for indexes of different field types.
>> eg. select * from transactions where transno = '1234'
>> Will firebrid return this record quicker when transno is numeric or
>> varchar?
>> Does the datatype make a difference?
> No major difference. When building an index key, Firebird changes
> all values to keys that can be compared bytewise.

So, performance difference will be on updating/inserting records of that

Miroslav Penchev