Subject Re: gbak into scheduled task
Author mohamed_banaouas
the problem is not about database validity because when the gbak
operations are fired while administrator windows session is running,
they finish successfully.
Some people gave me the solution: I solved this problem by fully
qualifying the database files. I mean : server:D:\DATABASE\MYBASE.GDB,
while before I did't mentionned the server part:
D:\DATABASE\MYBASE.GDB. In my case, the gbak operations are fired on
the same machine than interbase server, so "server" part in my case is

--- In, "loupisp" <loupisp@a...> wrote:
> I use a BATCH file and the Windows Task Scheduler for this purpose
> and all I can think of is that the database is still in use when you
> are doing a gfix -mend or a restore. You will need to take the
> database off-line for the restore (or MEND) using gfix -shut -force
> 0 -user XXX .....
> --- In, "mohamed_banaouas"
> <mohamed_banaouas@y...> wrote:
> > hello
> > I have a script for Windows 2000 (cmd.exe) which launches gbak for
> > the rebuilding (backup & restore) of database. This script
> > is launched
> > by a scheduled task in which is parameterized the Administrator
> > account and his password. Until there all goes well.
> > Except that if an Administrator session (even with locked
> > workstation) is not opened
> > while the task in launched , script is started but the gbak stop
> > with the error "unavailabale database".
> > Does any one have an idea on the failure of gbak under these
> > conditions?
> > interbase version