Subject RE: [firebird-support] external
Author Bogdan Mugerli
No PK's, FK's or indexes in external tables



-----Original Message-----
From: karthick srini [mailto:kartinku@...]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 12:25 PM
Subject: [firebird-support] external

Dear Members ,

I am working with table with external file with an
idea that it will boost firebird performance.
When I tried to create a Table having with external
file it has thrown errror when table has PK. Refer
below isql snippet ,

SQL> create table ONE external
'c:\ExternalTables\one.txt' (ID INTEGER NOT NULL);
SQL> commit;
SQL> create table TWO external
'c:\ExternalTables\two.txt' (ID INTEGER NOT NULL
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -607

unsuccessful metadata update
-Operation not supported for EXTERNAL FILE table TWO
SQL> create table TWO external
'c:\ExternalTables\two.txt' (ID INTEGER NOT NULL );
SQL> commit;
SQL> exit;

Table One which has no PK has got created
successfully, but table with PK has thrown error. Same
table without PK has got created sucessfully.

Note : In firbird.conf I have set below configuration
to enable external table creation,

Is there is any issue in my set up/configuration. Or
is this the expected behaviour when we use external
file? If so and if possible could you explain why?

Thanks & Regards,

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