Subject Re: [firebird-support] Problems with Events
Author Christian
Am Wed, 01 Sep 2004 21:07:49 +1000 hat Helen Borrie <helebor@...>

> At 07:41 AM 1/09/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>> Ciao ,
>> we have a problem with the last version and our apps
>> using the db Events.
>> When someone shut down a client the firebird server goes
>> up to 100% CPU usage on the server and nothing other than
>> a reboot can help!
>> with the previous version, this does not happens.
> That's interesting, because a fix was done in 1.5.1 to *fix* a problem
> that
> caused this phenomenon, which was evident in 1.5.0 and also present in Fb
> 1.0 and IB.
> As a matter of interest (and current concern), what version of client
> library are these client machines loading? Would you check the version
> details on the property sheet of gds32.dll in the Windows system32 folder
> and report back.
> ./heLen

We have the same problem if the application and db - file is on the same
FB 1.5.1 (and correct gds32.dll)
winXp SP2 (doesn´t matter whether firewall is on or off)

Interresting detail: if using local connectStr (dbFile = c:\test\db.fdb)
then the problem doesn´t exists.
