Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 1.5 install on red hat 9
Author Milan Babuskov
iguana_xyz wrote:
> Hello I just installed firebird 1.5 on redhat 9, I have an old
> firebird 1 installation I did not remove before Installing ver 1.5.
> Firebird 1.5 it is not working, is there some place where I can read
> some instructions on how to install firebird 1.5 on a red hat 9 box, I
> downloaded the super server file (FirebirdSS-
> I can not make this installation to work, if i type isql i get some
> syntax listing of * unixODBC - isql

There are a lot of tools named "isql" and your system will just pick the
one that it finds first (while it searches the PATH variable). When you
install Firebird, it doesn't change your path so you have three (or
more) options:

1. Go to "bin" directory and run isql from it

./isql ...

2. Edit your /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc file and add

export PATH=/path/to/firebird/bin/:$PATH

3. Make symbolic (or hard) link for isql, renaming it to something
distinct (like "fbsql" for example)

ln -s /path/to/firebird/bin/isql /usr/bin/fbsql

That way you're sure you're using Firebird's isql, and not something
else. Just always type "fbsql" instead of "isql".

All this was discussed yeasterday in thread named: "Fired-up Firebird,

Milan Babuskov