Subject Re: [firebird-support] Timestamp in SP
Author Martijn Tonies
Hi Walter,

> > > > No, not at all. But SQL error -104 is a very broad "parent" for
> > > > of language validity errors. Can you catch the gdscode? - that's
> > > > 9-digit error code.
> > >
> > >335544569
> >
> > That's a DSQL error, and there should have been a text message with it.
> Token unknown - line 1, char 45 1.
> STATEMENT: TIBOInternalDataset:
> <TIB_Session>.<TIBQuery>.<TIBOInternalDataset>.
> > Could you provide your SP definition and *also* the statement that you
> > using in your client app to submit the DDL request?
> The definition is at the end of this message. At this time I am still
> it from DBWorkbench with the debugger. The debugger tells, that the error
> at line 130 (IF (ABMELDD IS NULL) THEN).

You might have hit a bug in the debugger then :-)

My local version should debug this just fine as I have done several
fixes to it. Care to send me the database so I can give it a try?

A set of input parameters to go with the procedure would be nice
as well.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions