Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird ODBC Driver Unknow Table Error
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
googlepost123 wrote:

>I just started to use Firebirs so I am a newbie. I first started out
>using the Firebird ODBC driver to connect Brio client to the
>employee.fdb example. I had no problems querying this db. I then
>created a new fdb and created one table, and then created the ODBC
>connection. I then connect to the new fdb using Brio and it sees the
>single table but when I try to query it I get the error "SQL Error
>Code = -204, Table unknown". Why am I getting this?

Give us a bit more information...

What the Create table Statement ?

What is the select statement that are giving errors.

I could think a thing at first sight, Quoted Identififers.

When you create a table like this:
create table "Foo"(a integeer);

you should ALWAYS use
select * from "Foo"

Quoted Identifier is a pain....

see you !


Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda.
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil