Subject Re: Firebird 1.5 remote access
Author sgmota

Any help on this? A few more info:

The netstat -a:
tcp 0 0 *:gds_db *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 n7wserver:33043 n7wserver:gds_db TIME_WAIT

See the second line with an active connection from the local machine.
Maybe it's from the fbguard application. But it is listed only after
the startup, a few seconds after the connection is closed.

I've just uncommented the "RemoteServiceName = gds_db" line on

I changed the running user to use root but the same behavior .... I
can connect only from the localhost, never from outside.


--- In, "sgmota" <samuelmota@g...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > > I can list the listenning socket for gds_db ...
> > Check remotely wether the port 3050 is open. Use nmap or telnet.
> Ops, good idea.
> I think it's not ...
> nmap -p 3050,80,21,22
> 21/tcp closed ftp
> 22/tcp open ssh
> 80/tcp open http
> 3050/tcp filtered unknown
> (filtered is set for any not open port, right? nmap for windows)
> But the output for "netstat -a" says that it's opened for any net
> connection (in fact I have only eth0 and lo) on any remote address.
> Any idea?
> > Tell us where your DB is located and which connection string / info
> you are
> > using.
> isql -u sysdba -p senha
> Thanks a lot...