Subject Re: [firebird-support] gbak Huge problem
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
Alan McDonald wrote:

>>>You should always restore your backup to a temporary file and check the
>>exit code for the restore operation. Rely on this, not the backup
>>exit code.
>>Is this reliable? What, if backup fails with exitcode != 0, couldn't it in
>>theorie result in an incomplete but syntactically correct fbk file? That
>>would result in a correct restore without neccesarry information?
>>Therefor I wanted to check both.
>>Primary my question was: Can I rely on exit codes being != 0 if anything
>> Steffen
>I rely on them - the restore is more important to me. I manually check it
>too, maybe twice a year if I can
Hi !

Someone will correct me if I am wrong here...

But gbak uses to return always 0 as exitcode...

I think the only safe way to know if a restore was ok , is to look at
the last outuput line of gbak and scan for a string like
"closing and going home"

see you !


Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda.
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil