Subject Re: [firebird-support] Foreign keys
Author Geert Bevin
> Bottom line - how stable are any of those databases after making the
> sort of complex metadata changes that are possible in Firebird?

Oh and I've been doing this with PostgreSQL and Oracle for many years
and have experienced no stability problems whatshowever. Why would
there be? There are no other users during this action, merely 5
connections instead of one with only one connection being in use at a

I'm pretty sure I did this 6 years ago with Sybase ASA too, and no
problems there either. It has actually been running for 6 years with
any maintenance or intervention, except for that customer (which was
actually a customer of a previous employer) asking to upgrade the
entire machine and migrating the application to java 1.4. Apart from
that it has not be maintained, that I know of.

Geert Bevin Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need" Avenue de Scailmont 34 7170 Manage
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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