Subject Re: fbserver using 100% CPU in a big database!
Author colarte_code
--- In, "Leyne, Sean" <sleyne@a...>
> > I am using firebird 1.5 releases 8 and 9 in an athlon
> > 1.8 Mhz with 512 Mb Ram ,running linux Red Hat 9,
> > with aproximately 64 tables and 109 stored_procedures
> > the fbserver process will use 100% of CPU when the
> > database file is over 600 Mb .
> There are many possible reasons, so here are some questions to consider.
> How many rows are you counting? How many rows are in the table?
> Have you reviewed the database statistics?
> What is the DB page size?
> What is the size of the page cache?
> What is the sweep interval?
> What is the difference between the Oldest Transaction and Next
> Transaction?
> What is the difference between the Oldest Active Transaction and Next
> Transaction?
> Sean
I'm ashamed to say that i don't know how to interpret the statistics
outputted by gstat... and in the meantime i cannot send a script for
the creation of the table(commercial software wannabe)...

1. DB PAGE SIZE = 8192 .... what should it be..?
2. PAGE CACHE = i don't know ... what is the other name for this...
3. sweep interval = i don't know ...
4. diff between OLdest Transaction and Next Transaction = 30678 .. is
this normal???
5. dif between Oldest Active Transaction and Next Transaction : 83 is
this allright???

___________________________ PLEASE LOOK !!! _______________________

... by the way the server would use 100 % of cpu in small machines
allways not only making a count on a 300K register table....

this are the results of gstat on the 600 mb database....

[root@LINUXBST bin]# ./gstat grande

Database "/home/colarte/db/dssf4.fdb"

Database header page information:
Flags 0
Checksum 12345
Generation 33944
Page size 8192
ODS version 10.1
Oldest transaction 3264
Oldest active 33859
Oldest snapshot 33859
Next transaction 33942
Bumped transaction 1
Sequence number 0
Next attachment ID 2
Implementation ID 19
Shadow count 0
Page buffers 0
Next header page 0
Database dialect 3
Creation date Jun 19, 2004 9:24:34
Variable header data:

Database file sequence:
File /home/colarte/db/dssf4.fdb is the only file

Database log page information:
Creation date
Log flags: 2
No write ahead log

Next log page: 0

Variable log data:
Control Point 1:
File name:
Partition offset: 0 Seqno: 0 Offset: 0
Control Point 2:
File name:
Partition offset: 0 Seqno: 0 Offset: 0
Current File:
File name:
Partition offset: 0 Seqno: 0 Offset: 0

Access to database "/home/colarte/db/dssf4.fdb" is denied by server

what might be the last message about permissions this moment i
have /home/colarte/db/dssf4.fdb owned by firebird and in the group

Thank you for any help....
Camilo Olarte