Subject RE: [firebird-support] Update Script
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi,
> How is it possible to do an update script in firebird to upgrade a
> database and add missing tables and fields?
> I come from a sql server background and I can do it like this:
> if not exists (SELECT * FROM SysObjects WHERE name = 'Tablename')
> begin
> create table Tablename(...)
> end
> if not exists (SELECT * FROM SysObjects WHERE name = 'Second_Tablename')
> begin
> create table Second_Tablename(...)
> end
> is there anything similar I can do with firebird?
> Thanks
> Giulio

Get a copy of CleverComponents database comparer (it's free) or use IBExpert
which has the same thing.
They use a target/source comparison and they build a nice little script to
update the target based on the comparison.