Subject RE: [firebird-support] Win2K connection limit
Author Alan McDonald
> Hello.
> I am running a standard Win2000 server with 5 CLient CALS that I plan
> to use as a Firebird server to serv a group of about 75 users. I will
> eventually deploy a linux box, but for now Win2K is what I have to
> work with.
> Are there any issues with Windows client licensing and # of
> connections accessing Firebird?
> Thanks.
> - Lou

You can test this very easily - just make a form with 10 connection
components (make one and copy 9 times). Now connect each one. If you get an
error after 5, then there's a problem.
My guess is that the 5 CALs have nothing to do with multiple user
connectiosn to services on the box.