Subject Re: [firebird-support] Loss of connection on W2000 Server
Author Lester Caine
rogervellacott wrote:

> Unable to complete network request to host "server".
> Failed to establish a connection.

The first thing I would be checking is the network hardware and setup.
Is "server" visible with a ping, how are the network IP addresses
supplied, has something failed in the path to the server?

It sounds as if the name resolution has fallen over somewhere, so that
finding the machine becomes a problem. The connections that were still
open where OK until they had to re-find the address!

I would suspect that this has nothing to do with Firebird, so you need
to look at what has been changed on the network? Has W2k had a security
patch added, or been updated to service pack 4? ( That caused my systems
to fail until SP3 was restored! )

A failing network card will give a similar effect.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services