Subject Re: Re: Checking if a table exists ...
Author Anand
Thanks everyone for the responses :)

Helen, I am learning a new trick from you in using the SELECT
statements :)

I actually wanted to create a table if it didn't exist, so
compiling a SP
wouldn't be a problem. I think you could also perform other
operations only
if the table existed but since I don't have the time to test it
out I can't
say for sure. And anyways it would be a pretty complicated

I went through the system tables, but failed to see how the
database objects
had been stored. I though it would be much more obvious, like
in Access.


12. Re: Checking if a table exists ...
From: "Martijn Tonies" <m.tonies@...>
15. Re: Checking if a table exists ...
From: Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
17. Re: Checking if a table exists ...
From: "Martijn Tonies" <m.tonies@...>
19. Re: Checking if a table exists ...
From: Lucas Franzen <luc@...>
20. Re: Checking if a table exists ...
From: Niki Ivanchev <niki_iv@...>

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