Subject Firebird BLOB vs. File Name Storage
Author Edward Flick
Hash: SHA1

Hey Everyone,
I am making a system that ties data to images. I am contemplating
whether I should store the images directly in the database (far more
convenient, all encapsulated, and referenceable directly by metadata
alone), or just store references to the filenames (a pain to setup, but
potentially more reliable depending on you alls answers to this question).
Assuming I am only selecting or inserting data into my database, what is
the worst possible outcome scenario assuming the drive is not bad, and
there is a sudden power loss mid transaction commit:
* Entire database or table absolutely corrupted, gfix won't work
* Database corrupted, gfix will fix it, but lose all records involved in
* Database corrupted, gfix will fix it, but lose only records which have
not finished commiting
* Database not corrupted, but still lose all records involved in transaction
* Database not corrupted, but lose only records which have not finished

As far as I am concerned as long as the database (worst case) does not
get corrupted beyond repair by gfix, I am fine with storing images in
the database. And I would also, rather it not retain any already
committed records, but I am assuming that would, more than likely, not
be a possibility. Any bit of help appreciated. Knowledgeable reply by
developers preferred over use-cases, as I need to know the worst
possible outcome. Thanks

Edward Flick
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32)
