Subject RE: [firebird-support] classic versus super server
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> On the 1.5 final installation, I noticed that SuperServer does not
> support hyperthreading nor multiple processors. But classic does.
> What is the difference then between super server and classic?

The short answer is that Classic spawns a separate process
for each connection, whereas SuperServer runs as a process
and client requests are handled in threads of the SuperServer
process. That's the reason why Classic "supports" Hyper-
threading or SMP machines, currently. Be aware, Classic
needs much more resources than SuperServer.

The long answer can be read here: ;-)

> For a small Windows network, which would be preferable?

The choice doesn't depend on the Windows network, but rather
on the fact if you have want to gain from a SMP server. Mind
you, Classic for Windows is marked as "experimental" in the
Release Notes, so if you are on Windows, you'd better give
Classic a serious try, possibly in a real-world environment.

> Will I have to do anything to my client apps if I switch from
> Superserver to Classic?

It depends. If you are using the Services API somewhere, e.g.
due to the IBX/IBO Admin components, then you might get into
troubles, because the Services API isn't fully supported in
Classic right now. The Firebird 1.5 Release Notes states what
part of the Services API is supported and what not.

> If I stay with SuperServer, will I need to start disableing the
> hyperthreading technology at the bios level? (I think that has to
> be done before installing the OS)

It's recommended to disable Hyperthreading, and you can
disable HT in the BIOS whenever you like.

Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Serie - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database and MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions