Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird Administration Gui
Author Michael Post
Hello Martijn,

Martijn Tonies wrote:

>Hi Michael,
>>what are good administration-guis for Firebird 1.5 on Linux?
>>I know DbVisualizer and Squirrel SQL Client.
>>But both can not connect to my Firebird installation.
>Do you mean a GUI for Linux, or a GUI for Windows that
>connects to Firebird on Linux?
Sorry, i mean a gui for a linux client on a linux server.

>'Cause basically, all should be able to connect to Firebird on
hm.. i have probs to connect with squirrel sql, which i prefer, to
firebird 1.5 on my linux computer.

server and client are the same.

>That being said, several of my customers are running Database
>Workbench succesfully under Wine or Win4Lin.
Thanks for answers.

Greets Michael