Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird on Linux 300% slower than XP???
Author Lista Discussao Interbase
> De: "Luciano Enzweiler" <enzweiler@...>
> Data: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 18:29:44 -0300
> Para: <>
> Assunto: Re: [firebird-support] Firebird on Linux 300% slower than XP???
> Ola Alexandre.
> Thanks a lot for your answer and for your time. I'll try to answer your questions :-)
> I will upload the code and the test DB on the files directory of firebird-support group (under the name ""). Maybe it can also help. There's also an excel file on it, where I put all the times I got, on each test on each OS.
> 1) "How are you connecting the test program run on local machine ?" Yes, I'm connecting the test software locally on both of them using a TSQLConnection, using no network connections, with these params:
> Windows XP:
> DriverName=Interbase
> GetDriverFunc=getSQLDriverINTERBASE
> LibraryName=dbexpint.dll
> VendorLib=gds32.dll
> DBPrincipal=C:\DBTest\Test.gdb
> RedHat 8:
> DriverName=Interbase
> GetDriverFunc=getSQLDriverINTERBASE
> DBPrincipal=/mnt/hd98/DBTest/Test.gdb

Hi Luciano,

I see you are using a mount point called hd98 (hd that runs Win 98 ?)... What kind of filesystem the partition has ?

If I am right and this is a FAT partition, I will suggest you try with an ext2/3 partition... Post the results back to see if there is any diference... I never run a DB on a non native linux filesystem on a Linux box so can't say for sure... but soundslike strange to me to use non native filesystem for a file intensive application such a DBMS...


> If anyone has any idea, please post it and I'll try your suggestion. I just can't believe XP will win this match... LOL
> Best regards (e um grande abraco),
> Luciano Enzweiler.

I think Linux will run faster on the same hardware... And my tests show exactly this...

See you and good luck !

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil