Subject Re: [firebird-support] SQL Select Joins Syntax
Author Daniel Rail

At March 19, 2004, 15:03, Kevin Stanton wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am currently joining:

> select [field list]
> from Table1 T1
> left outer join Table2 T2 on T1.ID = T2.ID

> This gives me everything in Table1 whether or not it exists in Table2.

> What is the best way to find out what is in Table2 that is not in Table1.

James solution is good, unless you want to return fields from both

What you need is an inner join:

select [field list]
from Table1 T1
join Table2 T2 on T1.ID = T2.ID

An inner join will only return the rows from both tables that exactly
match the join criteria.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (