Subject RE: [firebird-support] change passord in firebird
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> clasic server

Ok, what about my second question: "how does the usage
of gsec look like"? ;-)

Well, if you are using Classic, then specify the security
database via the -database switch using a TCP/IP connection.

If you are running gsec where Firebird has been installed,
then use e.g. localhost.

Something like:

gsec -database localhost:C:\path_to_security.fdb ...

or on Linux:

gsec -database localhost:/path_to_security.fdb

One can connect to classic only via a remote connection,
even if it is a local database. The same goes for the
usage of gsec and the security database. Don't know if
it is "as designed", that you always have to specify the
security database when using gsec.

Give it a try.

Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Serie - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database and MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions